You were warned. Why do My chosen ones not listen? Why have you not followed My instructions? Destruction is upon your land, and still, you fail to respond to Me.
You have been appointed to bring deliverance to the nations. If you would read my Word, you would know that you are my appointed king. You are my representative in the earth. You are called to rule through servanthood—not through force.
My testimony has been darkened because you are in love with this world. You refuse to shine because you have compromised. You love your businesses, your homes, your church buildings, your stable life. But when you are lukewarm, you cannot guide lost and dying souls to Me. You do not have power to break the demonic chains which encircle your land.
Look around you. What do you see? Filth and perversion is upon your land. This is because you are not salt. You are not light. Your appearance does not reflect My image. I am love. I am kindness. I am self-sacrifice. I am not a respecter of persons, even as you are. The strifes and divisions among you are not of Me. They come from Satan, because he strives to render you powerless to replace him upon the throne. He has blinded you to your destiny.
The hour is late. What is coming upon you now is something you have never known. It is something you have never before seen. Call out to Me before it is too late. Call out to Me before I destroy your land utterly.